तू पथ पर अपने चलता चल | मंजिल को पास बुलाता चल | सभी समस्याओं का मिलकर , बात -चीत से निकले हल | कैसी भी हो आग भयानक , कर सकते हो तुम शीतल | मंदिर हो या गुरुद्वारा हो , शीश झुका दें गंगा जल | चंदा -तारों से हम सीखें , कैसे रहते हैं यह हिलमिल | निश्वार्थ भाव से नदिया कैसे , कल-कल कर बहती अविरल | भेद न करती भारत माँ है , सब पर फैलाये अपना आँचल | पंकज द्वैष-भावना त्यागो , जीवन बन जायेगा परिमल |
VANITY COMES BEFORE A FALL Often people become proud of themselves and think themselves superior to everyone else. They even stop talking to those to whom they think inferior to themselves. But they don’t know that it is at this point that their downfall begins. Slowly and slowly, they become deprived of all those things that they were earlier proud of . They fall to the category of those on whom others have sympathy but due to their wrong doings in the past nobody wishes to help him or her. There are many people whose pride has led to their downfall. Adolf Hitler is a perfect example. His aim of conquering the entire world and becoming the king of the world that is his pride ultimately led to his suicide after his pride was broken when he lost in a war.So, we should not be vain instead we should down to earth. MANSI G...
प्राणी ऐसा जगत में , जन्म न लिया कोय | होवे पूरा सदगुणी , अवगुण एक न होय || पंकज विपदा साथ दे , उसको अपना मान | जस सुनार घिस- घिस करे ,सोने की पहचान ||
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रचने के लिए शुभकामनाएँ!